What our customers say

"I have three different models and love these bags. They are sturdy and like new after washing. I gave some bags away to friends, everyone is thrilled, the quality is unbeatable. Even my adult son asked me about the Royal Palm Shopper ...that's saying something!"

"Thank you so much for sending the beautiful SUSTYLE bag! I love it!"."

"Dear SUSTYLE team,
Your bags are really contemporary, totally sustainable and great to use. A daily companion for me."

"The bag is extremely sturdy, has 2 inside pockets and a loop for the key - so nothing can get lost. It accompanies me both shopping and yoga."

 "My daughter got the beautiful Green Girl sweatshirt for Easter and is very happy with it. It would be so light and therefore very comfortable."

"I have just ordered two beauty bags online to give as gifts. The ordering process is very customer-friendly and it goes very quickly."

"My bag arrived! I love it! Great quality and packaging. Thank you!!!"


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